What is a Flying Dragon?

Flying Dragon is an utopian community-built business-model mixing three different points of view:

  1. The business-marketing perspective
  2. The consumer perspective and
  3. A full sustainability perspective (economical, environmental, social).

It is flying around free and ready for someone to take them and develop. 

We’ll become Couture Business Designers. Nop, not fashion designers. Designers of top quality businesses that have no room for cheap solutions, fitted with the finest strategies and impecable executions. Almost business artisans.

How did it start?

I just realised that for years I enjoyed a lot to design business models. I studied Graphic Design and Marketing, but my favourite part was every time I had to develop a hypothetical business for whatever subject or course. For me, branding design was completely connected with the design of the root of the business idea itself and the design of the world I actually wanted to live in. I kept doing it as repentinas (creativity exercises).

<<The oldest memory I have about it was on 3rd grade of primary school. The details are overly blurred, but I do remember having this feeling of a monumental wave of creativity and activism working with my chibi-classmates. We created the ideal veterinary. It was imprinted in a diagrammatic drawing of the building where you could see floor by floor what was going on. The cherry on the top was a pipe that “trapped all the pollution and brought it back” to the factory next door. Or something like that>>.

Whatever started as little games, it became a very serious hobby with the time. Considering all the seen and unseen impacts of a business felt like solving impossible puzzles. I tried to lounge a couple of my own projects but the limit of resources made them dissolve little. The Masters game the opportunity to design more properly a couple of hypothetical businesses. Of course I went crazy with all the new information I was getting and the research I was doing. I knew at least this two had to go live, but I couldn’t even do a prototype for different reasons:

1. I have no expertise to do it by myself
2. Lack of the right connections to team up.
3. No money to pay proper salaries to experts.
4. And no time to become one on all the fields I need.

Instead of letting this ideas to rot on my notebooks, I decided it was better to publish them and try to find the right team. Paradoxically I preferred to take the risk of someone “stilling” my idea because I would be glad as a consumer to access a product like this.

That gave me a better idea, if you have a community with the same values and passions and with different skills and resources, then all the gaps are filled and businesses can be built as thoroughly as possible. What better than business designed by potential consumers themselves?

Who am I?

A creative who loves the rules when they make life easier and despise them when they are not congruent. Idealist, pessimist, realist, flexible or perfectionist? It depends on who are you taking to. Too flower-power for traditionalists and to strict for the free-spirits. Too naive for realists and over thinker for dreamers. An introverted who wants to change the world avoiding to go out into it until is strictly necessary. Well, now I find it necessary.

My work life can be summarised as marketing, creativity and leadership. I dive into business, psychology, sociology, philosophy, research, arts and kung fu (believe me, this will be relevant).

So here I came to offer my theoretical knowledge, my experience, my insights and ignorance (yes) about topics I really love. Let’s make it a dialogue to enrich our perspectives and do our best to redefine the business world.

Our ignorance is all the room we have for new ideas and experiences and our dialogue is the alchemy to create contribution.